Who Am I? A New Creation


In the last post we talked about the fact that we are dead to sin. That in itself is amazing. BUT, our Father takes it one step further. Because of Jesus, if we are in Christ, we aren't just dead to sin, but we are a new creation. The dead stuff is replaced with new life!

2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT) words it like this: "This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!"

Notice this is speaking in past tense? We don't have to hope that we are a new creation and the old, yucky, sinful stuff is gone. This verse says we have become a new person. It has already happened. We get to celebrate that fact and walk in it, free of guilt, condemnation and shame.

What does it mean to belong to Christ? Well, one of the meanings for this is 'rest'. The Passion Translation describes it as being 'enfolded' into Christ. It speaks of an intertwining, the two (God and us) becoming one. This has happened through the Holy Spirit taking up residence in us, but it also describes relationship. It's about intimacy. Jesus describes it in John 15 by using an image of a vine and branches. As the branch is interconnected with the vine, it bears fruit and functions how it is created to function.

In other words, as we walk in intimacy with God, His love and the Holy Spirit in us deals with the junk, and empowers us to walk as someone truly transformed by Him. That's the beauty and power of the Gospel, and it's available to both you and I right now!


Who Am I? Adopted


Who Am I? Dead to Sin