30 Days of Promises - #18


I love this verse from David in Psalm 16...

"You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever." (Psalm 16:11 NLT)

We live in a world where the culture around us emphasises pursuing happiness and pleasure. Messages like, "do whatever makes feels good and you happy" are commonplace.

Of course, happiness in itself is not a bad thing. Where we can trip up is where we look for that happiness. In the world, we so often search for the wrong type of happiness and in the wrong places.

I came across this quote online that was talking about the difference between happiness and joy (yes they are two different things). It says "happiness is about the self's pleasure. Happiness may dwell on materialistic, worldly pleasure while joy is derived from soul satisfying, emotional well being. While happiness comes from outside things, joy is about inner self."

Nothing in this world can provide that inner sense of joy and vitality that all of us hunger for. It can only be found in only one place - our Heavenly Father. David understood this - that's why he was able to write these kind of psalms even when he was being hunted down to be killed for doing nothing wrong. He knew that true joy came from being in God's presence, rather than from worldly pleasures or circumstances.

The good news is, this same joy is a promise available to you and I today, and it is found when we spend time with Him. So, what are you waiting for? He's there and He's waiting for you.


30 Days of Promises - #19


30 Days of Promises - #17