30 Days of Promises - #19


In Romans 15, the apostle Paul prayers this prayer over those who are reading this letter:

"Now may God, the fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope!" (Romans 15:13 TPT)

This prayer reflects the promise of abundant hope that is available to all of us. Hope is crucial in order for us to continue to walk forward each day in our lives. Fortunately, our source of hope is not dependant on any circumstances; it is dependant on a person - Jesus Christ.

Today, I encourage you to take this verse and declare it over your life. Speak it out loud, and speak it over and over again if you need to. And I pray that if you are needing a fresh injection of a sense of hope in your life, that He will fill you with that today, as it is a promise that is available to you and me.


30 Days of Promises - #20


30 Days of Promises - #18