30 Days of Promises - #1


When we come to a relationship with Jesus, our sins are forgiven once and for all eternity. While this might be a basic truth we have heard many times before, it can be so easy to fall into the trap of listening to those lies that the enemy tries to sow into our minds and hearts that God still condemns us.

Romans 8:1 deals specifically with this, and I love the way it is worded in the Passion Translation:

"So now the case is closed. There remains no accusing voice of condemnation against those who are joined in life-union with Jesus, the Anointed One." (Romans 8:1 TPT)

When I read that, I see a giant gavel like you would see in a court room. In the room on one side is the enemy, and on the other is Jesus. He is sitting with you and I. The Father is in the judge's seat. Satan tries with all he has to throw out those words of accusation and condemnation, but the Father bangs that gavel and say, "case dismissed."

Because of Jesus, God doesn't rehash the mistakes we have made in the past, and neither does He see us through the eyes of any sin we might commit today. There is no more condemnation for those who belong to Jesus.

So, my friend, if you belong to Jesus, stand on that promise today!


30 Days of Promises - #2


There is Beauty in the Storm…