Join Him by the Still Waters…

This morning I popped out to do a couple of quick errands, and while I was out I got stuck in traffic. As I was driving slowing along the road, I was able to look out over the harbour, and I noticed that the water was extremely still.

I was instantly reminded of Psalm 23 (a psalm that God has been continually bringing to my attention), particularly in verse 2 where it says that He leads us beside still waters and restores our soul.

I then glanced into the rear vision mirror, and the first thing that I noticed was that the licence plate on the vehicle behind me had the numbers 232. As soon as I saw that I smiled to myself - God was really emphasising Psalm 23:2 to me...

In the Hebrew language, the words for ‘still waters’ means, ‘restful waters or refreshment.’ These waters are more than just still. They’re actually just gently trickling—still and restful in comparison to raging and dangerous flood waters, waters that could kill the Shepherd’s flock. The Good Shepherd takes his sheep to safe waters that will nourish these sheep.

Our Shepherd wants to lead us to a place of rest, a place of trust, a place of confidence, a place where you rely on Him and focus on Him without anything that will distract you. He wants to take the “heavy load” from your life and replace it with His peace and rest.

I also discovered that another translation for the word 'waters' here can mean, 'to be filled to the top'. Isn't that such an amazing picture of our Father - the One who doesn't just fill us a little bit, He fills us to the top and even to overflowing?

I have noticed I have been sharing here quite a bit lately on the themes of rest, weariness, and also Psalm 23. Why is this? Well, I believe it's something the Father has been speaking over me personally, as well as my family. Life and circumstances at times can be wearisome and overwhelming, and He is wanting to refresh us.

But, I also believe that many in the body of Christ are in a similar boat. So many are exhausted, so many are overwhelmed, so many are in survival mode, so many are stressed, and so many are struggling to come up for breath.

If that's you, firstly, let me say, I get it. I really do. I understand more than you know. There is no judgment or condemnation here, and I believe the Father is not condemning either. But if this is you, let this be a gentle reminder that our Father, our Good Shepherd, is wanting to lead you and I to those peaceful, gentle, life-giving, refreshing still waters so He can restore your soul.

When I looked up the word for 'restore' in the original language, there was a lot there. But here is some of the meanings of this word: recompense, recover, refresh, relieve, render (render means furnish or provide), requite (requite means to make retaliation for a wrong), rescue, restore, retrieve, cause to return, reverse and reward amongst other things.

Wow! How incredible! Our Father wants to do that to you and I right here, right now. But how do we do that? For me personally, when I'm so exhausted, sometimes it can look like simply sitting there with Him. It might be an awareness of His presence in and around me, it might me using my imagination to spend time in His presence, or it might be simply saying, "God, I have no words. I don't have much to offer you right now. But I know You're here, and You meet me where I'm at." And then I just sit with Him.

Other times I put worship music on and declare the words to the songs, or I open the Bible and read, trusting He will speak as I do so. Sometimes I read just a sentence, sometimes it's a few chapters. Sometimes I listen to the Bible on audio. Sometimes, if I am able, I will go and sit somewhere in nature where I connect with Him and spend time in prayer. Occasionally I journal. Other times I just sit and invite Him to speak to me, and wait.

It really looks different depending on the day, how I'm feeling what He knows I need. I believe it can look different for you too - it doesn't have to look like what I do. Your relationship with the Father is personal between you and Him. I believe the most important thing is connection. The Father has designed all of us uniquely, therefore we will all connect with Him in unique ways. But the point is, He wants to lead you and I to still waters, so that He can restore our soul.

Consider this your personal invitation from Him.


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We Have an Invitation