30 Days of Promises - #14


If you are familiar with the story of Esther, we see a young woman who was made queen of the whole Persian empire. But even as queen, she was not allowed to approach the king on his throne without permission, or else he could choose to have her executed. Because of the actions of Haman, Esther was placed in a position where she had to risk her life by approaching the king without permission. As we read the story, we see that the king extends mercy to her, and she is free to approach him, and this action ultimately led to the redemption of the entire Jewish race.

Our Father, who is also our King, is a holy God. A holy God can't just have anybody barge into His presence - it's just not possible unless someone or something is pure, spotless and without blemish. And, if we're relying on our own actions and strength, that is just not possible.

BUT - Jesus changed that. Because of what Jesus has done, we have direct access to His presence. We don't have to be afraid to do so, we can boldly, unashamedly and confidently be with Him.

If there is any voice trying to tell you that you cannot be in His presence, that you cannot spend time with God because you aren't worthy, I encourage you to stomp on that voice, hold onto this promise, and run to the Father!

"And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God’s house, let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water." (Hebrews 10:21-22 NLT)


30 Days of Promises - #15


30 Days of Promises - #13